
Showing posts from December, 2019

Lady Macbeth and the apparent suicide

Lady Macbeth may have not committed suicide as Malcolm put it: "his fiend-like queen, who, as 'tis thought, by self and violent hands took off her life." I believe that someone else could have killed her and didn't admit to the crime. Suspect one is Malcolm himself, for he was the one to speak about Lady Macbeth committing suicide, so why not blame him? Macbeth was his enemy after all and Malcolm knew that Macbeth thrived with Lady Macbeth by his side, so if he could take her out of the equation, then Macbeth might give up or lose hope. Suspect two is the gentlewoman, because she is the one to notice that Lady Macbeth is going crazy. With this fact in mind, she started to spread the word and made people lose their loyalty to the royalty. Since she was so close to the queen, she could have easily pulled off another Duncan murder, this time with Lady Macbeth as the victim and the suspect.

“Be bloody, bold, and resolute. Laugh to scorn the power of man, for none of woman born shall harm Macbeth.”

In this play, the witches are known for not being descriptive in their foresight. First, they told Macbeth that he would EVENTUALLY become king of Scotland. Now, they are telling him another important foresight that will cause him to go even crazier. This is an example of foreshadowing, because why else would the witches make an apparition to tell him. Macbeth did not catch the foreshadowing because he was too busy worrying about Macduff.  Foreshadowing plays a key role in this play, because it displays that no matter how hard the characters try, there always seems to be something coming up in the future that they are not expecting.

The true relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth through imagery.

In act 5 scene 1, the gentlewoman quotes, “Since his majesty went into the field, I have seen her rise from the bed, throw her night gown upon her, unlock her closet, take forth paper, fold it, write upon ‘t, read it, afterwards seal it, and again return to bed; yet all this while in a most fast sleep.” This image strikes the reader and audience because it really represents how stressed and strange Lady Macbeth is acting when alone. It shows the reader and audience how much she is doing while she is sleepwalking and presents the fact that she did not start sleepwalking until Macbeth left and went into the field. The image adds a sense of understanding of how each Macbeth acts when they are not around each other at night.

“The Thane of Fife had a wife. Where is she now?”

The literary element used in this sentence is assonance. The assonance occurs in the word "Fife" and the word "wife." "The Thane of Fife" is representing Macduff. His "wife" was killed at his castle by people that were sent by Macbeth. Lady Macbeth is questioning what happened to her. The assonance is important because when Lady Macbeth brings her up, she is questioning where she is. Since Macduff’s wife has died, it is foreshadowed that Lady Macbeth might die soon too. The author places the literary element here to foreshadow Lady Macbeth's death. Without the device, the reader probably would not catch the foreshadowing.

“Now does he feel his title hang loose about him, like a giant’s robe upon a dwarfish thief.”

This quote uses the literary element of a simile. The main reason Shakespeare used a literary device to show emphasis on the quote spoken is to allow the reader and audience to agree with Angus in not liking Macbeth and his actions. The simile is comparing Macbeth's title to a small guy trying to wear a large robe and failing due to the weight and size of the robe. Thus, the reader and audience can conclude that Macbeth is a terrible leader and ruler of Scotland.

"Give me my sword.- Who's there?" "A friend."

This quote is important because, it signifies an important plot point; Banquo and Macbeth are friends. Macbeth is not just about violence, murder, and changes in power, it is also a story of friendship. Even though Macbeth and Banquo are commanders of an army, they seem to be very close in the beginning of the story, so much so that when one of them is in trouble, the other is not far. This is why Shakespeare decided to use the word "friend" to describe the relationship between the two. At first, Banquo sounds scared and ready to defend himself, but when Macbeth responds, he feels calm again and has a conversation with him.

“Sleep that knits up the raveled sleeve of care, the death of each day’s life, sore labor’s bath, balm of hurt minds great nature’s second course, chief nourishes in life’s feast.”

In this quote, Macbeth is comparing sleep to a "sleeve of care", "the death of each day's life", "great nature's second course", and to "chief nourished in life's feast." These are all examples of metaphors that Shakespeare has used to show importance to these specific lines. Macbeth is trying to say that only the innocent are allowed to sleep and he no longer believes that he is innocent because what he did was bad. The audience, with the help of metaphors and a good actor, would see how Macbeth and sleep no longer go together, hence, making Macbeth guilty and evil.

"Hear it not, Duncan, for it is a knell That summons thee to heaven or hell."

This quote uses the literary element of a couplet because, the words knell and hell rhyme creating a sentence that sticks out to the audience and has more importance than the monologue before it in Macbeth's speech. It is almost as if it is a separate idea to what Macbeth has already said. Shakespeare wanted to emphasize the ringing of a bell to signify when Macbeth was going to murder Duncan and how dramatic it would be, since it would be offstage and out of sight. By the end of this sentence, we now know that Macbeth has decided to kill Duncan and proceeds to do so.

Why did Shakespeare use elision so much?

Elision can refer to two different things. It can be the omission of a letter in a word to create a specified amount of syllables or it can be used to omit a scene, as on a stage during a play, from the audience; offstage events. The first type of elision may have been used to shorten the amount of speech each character had like 'tis instead of it is. The second type of elision is more understandable for us. He clearly lived in a time where technology and certain techniques were not invented to help carry his vision across easily. With this in mind, we can see why Shakespeare would leave out certain scenes from performances of his plays. For example, when   Duncan is murdered offstage, this is because it would have been too grotesque to show so much blood in a play atmosphere, so Shakespeare made it an offstage event but allowed it's dramatic effect to last through the emotion of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth.

What do chestnuts symbolize?

In act 1 scene 3, the three witches are talking to each other and the witch tells us a story about a sailor's wife who "had chestnuts in her lap, munching away." The witch asked the sailor's wife to give the chestnuts to her and the wife refused. The witch responded with, "Sleep shall neither night nor day Hang upon his penthouse lid. He shall live a man forbid. Weary sev'nnights nine times nine Shall he dwindle, peak and pine." Through my personal research, i have discovered the true meaning of chestnuts. They help to symbolize prevention, foresight, fertility, provision, and longevity. This is why it makes sense that the witch would want chestnuts so badly. Throughout the play, we are told the fates of Macbeth and Banquo from the witches foresight. Shakespeare could be suggesting that through chestnuts, witches are able to use them to see into the future but, can't be very descriptive about it.

Why witches?

There are many references to witches throughout the play, but why? Well, it was said that the king of Scotland at the time was very interested in witchcraft and Shakespeare had to incorporate witches in order to obtain approval to make the play itself. While this could be the reason Shakespeare made witches a key character in his play, he had always decided to implement witchcraft into his plays in some way. In The Tempest, Prospero comments that Caliban’s ‘‘mother was a witch, and one so strong that could control the moon.’’ In Macbeth, the three weird sisters are not always referred to as witches, they are also called "instruments of darkness", "midnight hags", and "nights black agents". This detail is to show the audience that these witches are not from our natural universe. Thus showing his personal knowledge of witchcraft and it's capabilities.

what was the real Macbeth like?

Macbeth was a brave king in real life and had better morals compared to Macbeth in the play. He killed Duncan in battle where he could fight for his life, instead of in bed where he was defenseless and clueless about what was happening. He was respected for his strong leadership qualities and was a wise king who ruled successfully for 17 years. He did indeed live in a fortified castle in Dunsinane during his rein and his rule was secure enough for him to go on a pilgrimage to Rome in 1050. He ended up losing in battle against Malcolm, but he did not die. He instead had to give Malcolm his lands and continued to rule.